I pick her up from the airport in the early afternoon. She's bubbly, mid-fifties, professionally dressed. I help her put her suitcase in the trunk and when we get moving I ask where she's coming from.
"Las Vegas," she tells me.
“Nice,” I say. “Did you win any money?”
"No, I wasn’t gambling. I was at a UFO convention."
Well, she may not be a literal gambler, but she sure is a conversational one. Not a lot of people would go straight to UFOs with a total stranger, but I respect it.
I don’t know a lot about this subculture, but I know enough that I can picture different versions of what a “UFO convention” might be. Yes, there are the stereotypes called to mind by pop culture about tractor beams, anal probes, and little green men, but I’m sure there is also a market for calm and measured discussions of the various new documents that get disclosed all the time. There could be a spectrum here that I’m not aware of, and this woman looks pretty straight-laced, but looks can be deceiving. I’m game either way, but I tread lightly.
"Oh that sounds interesting,” I tell her. “What was that like?"
She tells me. Oh, does she tell me! About the crafts, about the creatures who fly them, how they built the pyramids, how the grays are the next evolutionary step for human beings and they’re time-traveling back to us. She tells me how they seeded the Earth millennia ago and made us from the apes, how they’ve watched over us since the beginning and guided us with a feather touch, how they appear around nuclear technology because they won’t let us destroy ourselves. She tells me how people bury their heads in the sand because they can’t face the truth, because they’re scared, but there is no reason to be scared. She was abducted in her twenties and brought aboard a vessel where she met a being who she eventually came to recognize as herself from the future. Her future self told her everything is love. We are one with each other and one with the aliens and one day we will all merge. A day is coming, a day when all of our petty squabbles will dissipate like dust and we will ascend to take our rightful place in the universe—past and future joined together at last!
I drop her off, help her get her bag out of the trunk, and make a note to check out a UFO convention sometime.
Memoirs of a Rideshare Driver is a weekly series that tells true stories of my 10,000+ trips as a rideshare driver. I will post them every Monday.